Wednesday, July 10, 2013

LFF as a Non Profit!

I am so excited about this internship this summer with LFF. I was always interested in local food in school, but now that I work for a non profit providing local food to the valley, my passion has ignited! It has been such a great experience to see how a local food system can work and be successful. I think for the future it is a great new norm and that it is really going to become an important aspect of peoples lives all around the country and the globe. I think that LFF is a wonderful organization because it allows the farmers to set their own price for the market and it pays directly to them. There is no middle man in this system so the farmers are benefiting 100% along with the members, who are receiving the healthy local organic food each week from the hard working farmers. I feel like I am learning so much about local food and the importance of farms in this internship and I am really lucky to be front and center for all of it. LFF is a great non profit and is in a stage of growth. Each week there are more and more orders. It is great to see such a nice minded organization thrive. It proves that local food is important now and in the future.

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