Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Energy Efficiency With ORE and LFF

Because of climate change and the growing concern of our lessening resources of oil and gas, it is more important now than ever that we become more sustainable. There are a lot of ways to be more sustainable. You can start simple, by eating more local foods that require much less gas emissions to get to our table. You can make small changes around your home like changing your light bulbs and using power strips for your plug in devices to help with phantom energy issues. You can go a little bit bigger and get green energy appliances to save you money on washing your dishes or doing a load of laundry. Or you can go big and change your insulation in your house to save you big bucks on your energy bills. Replacing windows and installing solar panels will also save you money in the long run and help you be more sustainable. ORE and LFF are two resources that the Gunnison valley has to be more sustainable. These two projects can green your home and allow your food to be more local. Small changes can really make a difference! Go Green Today!

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